This week’s email comes from your friendly Office Gremlins (Diane & Becky). Karen’s sister, Kathy Flogstad, passed away early this week; Karen and Dennis were able to be in Mankato to spend some weekend time there and will be away until at least Friday; please keep them, and their family, in your thoughts and prayers.
- Our 2024 Rummage Sale, Bake/Craft/Plant Sale, and Lunch-to-go happened this past Saturday, and was a successful event! A note from Diane:
A huge Thank You to everyone who helped with this event: those who brought rummage, baked goods, crafts,or plants to sell; worked endlessly on set-up; helped our customers, checked out, and cashiered the day of the sale! On Monday, Evergreen House came over and took any rummage items they could use. Also on Monday, the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) came and took the majority of what we had left. I am thrilled to say we had very little remaining to be disposed of, most of which will go to the Habitat ReStore and a couple of other outlets; the only items which will end up at the dump will be electronics. The rummage sale took in over $1600, the baked goods/crafts/plants/cards sold over $950, and the lunch took in $270. Please note that the lunch income was pure profit, since Karen and Dennis Thompson, and Pastor Deborah, donated the makings for the Hunter's Stew and Vegetarian Pozole (both of which were declared delicious). Even more than the additional income for our church was the fact that usable goods were provided to our friends and neighbors at reasonable prices rather than ending up at the dump and, better yet, the tremendous camaraderie enjoyed by many members of our church family!
- Just a reminder that poinsettia orders and checks need to be in the office tomorrow, November 14, so Karen can get our order in to Netzer’s on time. Please be sure to let us know if you wish poinsettias to be in honor or memory of someone, so we can put that information in the bulletin.
- Advent and Christmas will be here before any of us know it! This year the first Sunday in Advent is December 1, which is the Sunday a few days after Thanksgiving. The Worship Committee decided, since the Hanging of the Greens is such a fun event for everyone, that this year we will decorate our trees on Sunday, November 24, when hopefully more of us will be able to participate. Please spread the word, the more the merrier! Other Christmas decorating will be done in December, but we’ll have the trees ready to decorate on Sunday. We’ll share potluck food after church, so please bring something to share!
- BMW has their monthly meeting on Wednesday, November 20, at 10:00 am. This month’s special speaker will be from Beltrami County Human Services.
We hope you’re having a wonderful week, hope to see y’all on Sunday to decorate trees and chow down!